A Márgenes y Vínculos Production

Based on the children’s tale by Jesús Cardoso

Ana and The Tree is a short film based on a children’s tale written by Juan Jesús Cardoso, an educator at charitable trust Márgenes y Vínculos, who works in Cádiz. We started filming on the 2nd August with the participation of real-life actors and puppets similar to those on Sesame Street. Production is at an advanced stage and a cast of well-known actors on the national and international stage are taking part: The actors Fernando Tejero and Nacho Guerrero, known for their roles in TV series La que se avecina, la actriz Ana Fernández, from Las chicas del cable and Steve Allen, creator and puppeteer on Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock. The singer, Merche has written an original song for the soundtrack.


Making of


Puppets Marionetas, a company with all the essence of Cádiz.

Puppets Marionetas Company Limited is a production company that was conceived and set up in Cádiz. They make puppets and perform them for commercial videos, films, theatre and, apart from their interactive and theme-based shows, they put on workshops and are involved in all sorts of social projects.

Jesús Toledo Solino is the director and head of operations, who is also a puppet craftsman and acting puppeteer. He trained at the school of special effects, Stan Winston  School in the USA and with the old-school puppeteer masters in the United Kingdom under the guidance of Jim Henson’s Company (producers of Sesame Street  Fraggle Rock among others)

Collaborate with a one-hundred percent Andalusian product.

The promoter, the producer and nearly everyone working on Ana and the Tree were either born in Andalusia or work here. We are going to show just how many good people and how much professionalism and initiative there is in this land.

Our actors

Ana Parrado

Jovencísima gaditana que estudia Primaria, e interpreta a la niña protagonista de esta historia.

Nacho Guerreros

Awarded in theatre and widely- known, he will be Ana’s father.

Alejandra López

Actriz y productora teatral gaditana, es la madre de la protagonista.

Fernando Tejero

Fernando Tejero, currently one of the most famous actors around, lends his voice to Flamboyán.


Ana Fernández

Starring in some of the most successful series in recent years, she will be Ana.

Pepe Carabias

Historia viva de la televisión, el cine, el teatro y el doblaje,  Carabias es la  voz al gato y el gusano.

Steve Allen

Creador y manipulador de marionetas de TV que han hecho felices a millones de niñas y niños, Allen da vida a los puppets de este corto.

The vision that guides us

“If we manage to get the public to empathize with the characters and get the short to be projected on screens, in cinemas, it will be a great instrument in getting the message through to the audience. And thanks to that message we have managed to bring together very important, top-level artists and professionals who believe in the project the same way we do ”.

Jesús Toledo Solino


“I felt attracted to the idea about writing this script, about talking about such a dark subject in a more attractive and closer way to the general public because, apart from its social function, which is used in the classroom, I was interested in getting someone to connect with the character in a story like this if they saw it on television, for example”.

Paco Campano


“Working with puppets is a challenge in itself … Not only does this project aims to help the most defenseless, but this is the kind of challenge that should be accepted and let each one of us give it our best”.

Sergio Medina


In collaboration with the charitable trust Márgenes y Vínculos